Spring has arrived!! YAY! We decided to go out riding and try out the warm weather. We were suprised to see that the wind was blowing so hard out at the sand dunes you could not even see the parking lot!!! We decided to brave it anyways and try and ride in it. WOW mistake!! We just got covered and covered with sand in the face and eyes. Thank goodness for saftey glasses!! haha I think I look like a fly :). Even though it was horrible riding weather... it has gotten warm enough to at least go out. We had a really great time with each other. But.... don't we always!?!?!
Sorry it has been so long since my last blog. I have been really busy planning my sister's baby shower. It takes up more time than you think. I can't believe that she is almost going to be a mommy. I just finished making the invitations and Ariel mailed them out yesterday. Here is how they turned out.